sublime-jekyll 플러그인
블로그에 글을 올릴 때 에디터로 Sublime Text를 사용하고 있다. jekyll 플러그인이 있어 사용해보았다.
sublime-jekyll 플러그인
Install (OSX) 하기
- PackageControl을 연다. command + shift + p (Tools > Commmand Palette menu)
- Package Control : Install Package 선택
- Package Control이 없다면 Package Control부터 설치한다.
- Install PackageControl 에서 사용 중인 버전 (Sublime Text 2 Or Sublime Text3) 스크립트 복사
- View > Show Console(Ctrl + ‘) 복사한 스크립트를 실행하 Package Control 이 설치된다.
- Install Pacakcge 를 선택하면 나오는 검색 창에서 jekyll로 검색하여 나오는 jekyll을 설치한다.
Preference > Pacakge Settings > Jekyll > Settings - Users
posts_path, drafts_path를 설정한다. 그외 default 설정이나 날짜 포맷 등을 필요에 따라 설정 할 수 있다.
// This should point to your "_posts" directory.
// NOTE: This should be an absolute path. Also, the path should
// match your system convention. For example, Windows machines should
// have a path similar to "C:\\Users\\username\\site\\_posts".
// *nix systems should have a path similar to "/Users/username/site/_posts".
"posts_path": "/Users/nhnent/",
// This should point to your "_drafts" directory.
// NOTE: This should be an absolute path. Also, the path should
// match your system convention. For example, Windows machines should
// have a path similar to "C:\\Users\\username\\site\\_drafts".
// *nix systems should have a path similar to "/Users/username/site/_drafts".
"drafts_path": "/Users/nhnent/",
// If you have multiple Jekyll blogs, but don't use Sumblime Projects,
// you can optionally have sublime-jekyll look for the `_posts` or `_drafts`
// folders open in your sidebar. This should have a value of true or false.
"automatically_find_paths": false,
// This string value should represent the default syntax for a new post.
// Valid options are: "Markdown", "Textile"
"default_post_syntax": "Markdown",
/** *****************************************************************************
* Post Front-matter Defaults
* Set these values to make your life easier when composing new posts. This is
* similar to setting your defaults as part of the `_config.yml` file:
* ******************************************************************************
// This string value should represent the default layout for new posts.
"default_post_layout": "",
// This value should represent the default categories for new posts.
// Each category should be entered as a list item in string format
// with commas separating values ["cat1", "cat2"]. To remove this key
// from your front-matter completely, pass a value of `null`.
"default_post_categories": [],
// This value should represent the default tags for new posts.
// Each tag should be entered as a list item in string format
// with commas separating values ["tag1", "tag2"]. To remove this key
// from your front-matter completely, pass a value of `null`.
"default_post_tags": [],
// A boolean specifying if you want new posts to be marked as published.
// To remove this key from your front-matter completely, pass a value of `null`.
"default_post_published": true,
// If you need to add additional front-matter `key: value` information to
// your posts, you can store them in a dictionary object using a format
// like {"foo": "bar", "baz": "qux"}. This dictionary will be appended to
// any of the enabled default keys above (Reminder: the `title` and `layout`
// keys will always be included, so **DO NOT** include them in the extras dictionary).
"default_post_extras": {},
/** ***********************************************************************************
* If for some reason you want to change the way either the date
* or the datetime string is formatted, you can override those formats
* here using valid Python datetime.strftime() format codes.
* If you need a refresher on these codes, have a look at the Python
* documentation found here:
* ******************************************************************************
// A valid Python strftime string
"insert_date_format": "%Y-%m-%d",
// A valid Python strftime string
"insert_datetime_format": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
Command + shift + p 에서 jekyll 플러그인의 기능을 사용 할 수 있다.
- Jekyll: New post
- Jekyll: New draft
- Jekyll: Open post
- Jekyll: Open draft
- Jekyll: Insert current date
- Jekyll: Insert current datetime
- Jekyll: Promote draft to post
Syntax 강조
Set Syntax:Markdown(Jekyll)
축약형을 입력한 후 Tab을 누르면 자동완성이 된다.
hightlight + Tab = {% highlight %}{% endhighlight %}
- assign: {% assign a = b %}
- capture: {% capture %}{% endcapture %}
- case: {% case %}{% endcase %}
- comment: {% comment %}{% endcomment %} Snippets